(Training & Back To Activity Documents)

Baseball NSW yesterday updated their information as it relates to returning to activity, this information has been forwarded to all Clubs to assist with planning sessions.

At this point in time, whilst continuing to maintain core principles of Social Distancing (ie. 1.5m spacing, and restricted gatherings), there is now the opportunity to return to training of some degree.

Please note that all current activities require a BNSW Return to Activity Form completed, COVID-Safe plans will need approval from Baseball NSW, and cannot take place until field usage is opened by respective councils.

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β€’ Staggered training schedule (start times, different days, potential for different locations).
β€’ Training groups of no larger than ten (10), including players and officials.
β€’ Entry into venue and exit out of venue to be clearly identified if possible, with arrows on the ground.
β€’ No access to changerooms, gym, wet or inside areas.
β€’ Players arrive dressed and ready to train.
β€’ Training activities will be non-contact.
β€’ Players manage own injuries if required.
β€’ Official and players maintain 1.5m distance between each other at all times.
β€’ Use of equipment to be limited, and any equipment utilised will be wiped down and sanitised before, during and after each session, and between each user if possible.
β€’ If pair/group work is required, pairs will be consistent across each training session.
β€’ Any necessary meetings to occur remotely using video technology.
β€’ No spectators, only one parent or caregiver and must remain socially distant to the athletes and others.

More information: https://www.baseballnsw.com.au/covid-19-updates.html

Checklist available online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BNSWReturnForm